Freestyle Dynamics

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Tips & Techniques for Making Your Power Apps 'Iconic' @ #PPVHH

If you want to learn what The Rock, Sting, Ric Flair and Charlotte Flair have in common with Power Apps then watch my session at the June edition of the Power Platform Virtual Happy Hour!

I did a 15-minute session on this months meetup and decided to have some fun by uniting my passion for wrestling and power apps. It is a happy hour after all!

I was joined by two other fantastic speakers - Megan Walker and Rick Bakker. I was particularly nervous as these two MVP’s are both big names in the community and experienced speakers and the fact that I was going on last meant I had a lot to live up to.

I think, however, that my session went down well and based on the feedback it achieved my goal of being light-hearted whilst still appealing to beginners and pro’s alike.

You can judge for yourself in the recording.